

Threatcasting Lab

The mission of the Threatcasting Lab at Arizona State University is to serve as the premier resource for strategic insight, teaching materials, and exceptional subject matter expertise on Threatcasting, envisioning possible threats ten years in the future.  The Lab strives to provide a wide range of organizations and institutions actionable models to not only comprehend these possible futures but to a means to identify, track, disrupt, mitigate and recover from them as well. Its reports, programming and materials will bridge gaps and prompt information exchange and learning across military, academics, industrial and governmental communities.

Based at Global Securities Initiative and in the School for the Future of Innovation in Society, the Threatcasting Lab will conduct interdisciplinary, collaborative sessions twice a year to envision threats ten years in the future.  The location of session will alternate from the east (West Point, NY and Washington D.C.) to west coast of the United States (Tempe, AZ and San Francisco, CA) and will produce a threatcasting report that explores specific aspects of digital, physical and kinetic threats.  Additionally, each report will contain specific actions, external indicators and milestones that can be taken to disrupt, mitigate and recover from the threats. These report will be shared between government, military, academic, public, private and corporate audiences.

In parallel the Lab will document the Threatcasting process, capturing the details in a text book, workbook and video tutorials.  The goal is to train the trainers, allowing the process to be taught and run in military academies, universities and in private industry.  The Lab’s initial ten Threatcasting sessions and the supporting materials will serve as a base, when paired with the training tools to enable even greater number of organizations and institutions to conduct their own threatcasting sessions.

Ultimately the Lab will bring together a diverse, interdisciplinary collection of people and organizations to model possible threats and specific actions that can be taken.  The output will foster conversations and dialogue across a wide range of audiences (e.g. military, industry, academia, policy makers, trade associations, law enforcement, etc.) with a diverse set of deliverables (e.g. Threatcasting Reports, briefings, articles, podcasts, videos, science fiction, etc.).

For many future cyber threats seem unimaginable and insurmountable.  The Threatcasting Lab seeks to envision these threats and empower people and organizations to take action.  These possible futures, based on fact and modeling by professionals can dispel the myths and clear the fog for pragmatic, action based dialogue.


The Threatcasting Lab brings together a diverse, interdisciplinary collection of people and organizations to model possible threats and specific actions that can be taken.  We foster conversations and dialogue across a wide range of audiences (e.g. military, industry, academia, policy makers, trade associations, law enforcement, etc.) with a diverse set of deliverables (e.g. Threatcasting Reports, briefings, articles, podcasts, videos, science fiction, etc.).


Brian David Johnson – Director
Cyndi Coon – Chief of Staff
Alida Draudt – Futurist
Julia Rose West – Futurist

Arizona State University Members:

School for the Future of Innovation in Society
Global Security Initiative
Center for Science and the Imagination